Top 10 Weight Reduction Food To Shred Belly Inches; Have A Look

Weight Reduction Food: Everyone desires to have a chiseled body, but when it comes to taking the initiative of turning desires to reality many of us get confused. And the confusion is all about the diet and food regime. So simplifying the process and untangling your confused thoughts here we are with a well-curated list of top 10 Weight reduction food. That will complement your workout helping you lose weight.

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List Of Top 10 Weight Reduction Food That Will Help You Lose Excess Fat

  1. Chia Seeds
  2. Fennel Seeds
  3. Dark Chocolate
  4. Eggs
  5. Fruits with greater water content
  6. Yogurt
  7. Seeds and Nuts
  8. Avocado
  9. Legumes
  10. Tuna and Chicken Breast

Chia Seeds

Low carbs, high fiber, and great water retention make Chia seeds one of the best weight reduction food to date. Chia seeds can hold water 10-11 times their weight. Taking two full spoons of it (soaked in water for 2-3 hours) gives you a feeling of fullness thereby avoiding you from munching the entire day. Increased fiber content improves your gut health. And this in combination helps in weight loss.

Fennel Seeds

Fennel seeds are rich in fiber and water-soaked with fennel seeds overnight helps in boosting the metabolism of the body. This escalated metabolism helps in generating energy by burning fat. Thereby helping in fat reduction. Along with this, it helps in improving digestion and that together it becomes one of the finest weight reduction food.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolates contain a good amount of exotic caffeine. And that caffeine works to boost the metabolism of the body. Along with boosting metabolism dark chocolate help in reducing appetite which together forms a perfect remedy to weight reduction. And this makes dark chocolate one of the best weight reduction food to date.


The high protein content of eggs makes it one of the top weight reduction food to date. Eggs give you a feeling of fullness that decreases your food intake. And thereby helps you lose inches in no time. If you have a perfect workout routine then add eggs to your meal to enhance performance.

Fruits with greater water content

Water intake is directly proportional to fat burn, hence the effectiveness of food listed above is proved. Fruits with higher water content increase both fiber and water in the body which further helps in fat reduction. Thereby fruits high in water content turn out to be the best weight reduction food.


Rich in Vitamin B12 Yogurt works to improve your gut health and decrease Leptin resistance in the body. Leptin helps in fat reduction. Hence this food item not only deals with weight reduction but overall helps in healing the inner mechanism of the body.

Seeds and Nuts

Rich in oils and proteins seeds and nuts become an excellent food source for reducing body fat. Seeds and nuts work on the body’s metabolism help in improving it thereby helping in reducing the fat amount that is excess to your body.

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Loaded with good fats, water, fiber and high in monounsaturated oleic acid this fruit becomes one of the best weight reduction food. Add half of an avocado to your daily diet and you will see a significant reduction in your weight.


Legumes being rich in protein, starch, and fiber, post intake gives you a feeling of fullness thereby preventing you from munching frequently. And thereby helping in weight reduction.

Tuna and Chicken Breast

Tuna and chicken breast being high in protein helps you cut down your food cravings to a significant level. This reduced craving promotes your fat loss journey and helps you lose bad fat.

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To Sum Up

So this was all about the top 10 weight reduction food for you. Do give these food items listed above a try and post finding changes do share your experiences with us. If you feel few more foods should have been part of this list do not forget to drop them in the comment section.

Stay tuned to talepost for more updates on food, health, and fitness.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.