It is weird not to be weird. Let us check out some weird and interesting facts

Weird facts: Being a little weird, keeps you on, with the fun of life. Sometimes we are absolutely unaware of the facts around us. But when it comes up, then that becomes weird. And that is what keeps our excitement on for everything. It is not just about the facts but trusts this or not, being a little notorious a bit fun-loving a bit weird keeps you lovingly going on. To suffice this within a quote which says “Being a little weird is just a natural side-effect of being awesome“.

Let us check out some of such weird facts, that we must have not heard of, before.

Here is the list of top 10 such weird facts

The maximum time difference between the birth of two twins is recorded to be 87 days.

wierd factswierd facts

And generally this doesn’t happen. The time gap normally between the birth is a few minutes, days or weeks but this is something that is hard to imagine.

Flamingos fold their legs with ankle as their folding joint not their knees.

Flamingos have their ankle close to their body hidden by all those furs, so it physically difficult to judge the folding point. Making it something weird when heard for first.

Roller coaster’s were invented solely to distract the people of America from committing sin

A businessman LaMarcus Thompson was the one who invented it because he had a disagreement with people’s choice of visiting salons or brothels. So in order to stop people from going to such an immoral place he invented roller coaster.

Ice pops were an accidental invention by an 11-year-old kid

Guess what the ice pops you love to have was discovered by a kid. Who left his soda water with a stirrer in it in open on a chilled night and eventually it froze by morning. Thereby these ice bars were discovered.

When it comes to holding breath it is dolphins that come to mind first, but guess what sloths have more breath-holding capacity

Sloths can hold breathe for 40 minutes by lowering their heart rate. Whereas the dolphin’s breath-holding capacity is of 10 minutes.

You can not hum with a blocked nose

Did you just try that? Obviously yes. This happens because while you hum the air has to pass out from your nose to create that sound, but if it is shut obviously no air will pass out and no sound will be produced.

An animal with three hearts- Octopus

What! But yes that is true, these species have three hearts. Out of which one is completely involved in circulating blood all over the body. Whereas the other two are bound to circulate the gills.

Adolf Hitler was once nominated for the Nobel peace prize

Wasn’t that pretty ironic? Peace was inversely proportional to Hitler. But guess what it was sent by a Swedish politician ironically, later he withdrew his nominations.

Americans used corn cobs before toilet paper came to the market.

Yes, I know might be less digestible but truth can not be denied.

In history, the shortest war lasted for 38 minutes

Isn’t that great if all wars happen this way then, it would be a less destructive and quick resulting war?

So these were some of the weird facts which hang our brain up when you see it for the first time. to know more continue on talepost and for updates visit our Facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.