The perfect girl: Being perfect what I think is something which can only be dreamt of, there is nothing, like being perfect and heading towards perfection, is something like moving towards the abstract. Instead of being perfect try heading to be better than before, this will shape you, improve you and mend you into a better version of you.
To be “the perfect girl” does not mean to be perfect at every aspect i.e either be it academics, job or house regimes. Being perfect or heading to be one means trying hard every day to be a better person from within. A better personality, trying to be best at least in the field of your choice.
Here are some of the most natural and healthy ways to make yourself a better person or sharpen your personality in the best way possible.

Staying satisfied, is the first key to improvement, that really does not mean that you stagnate yourself or stop climbing. It is like moving ahead as well as staying satisfied with what you get, be ambitious but not obsessed.
Praise is key
We are highly unaware of how our brain works, we think that we make the brain do what we want to but it is totally opposite, we work the way our brain wants to. So to grow and to improve yourself, feeding the brain with the best is necessary. If you are growing and you praise yourself, you give positive reinforcements to your brain that helps your brain to feel good about what you do. It further pumps you to do more and obviously in a better way.
Treating it equal
Yes, that’s true in the quest of gaining more we forget that we need to give importance to the basics as well. You need to treat every step, every achievement of yours equally. This helps you to build within a feeling of respecting whatever you do, big or small. This ends up making you a more humble person.
Yes smile, situation be any kind, soft or harsh, uphill or downhill. Facing it with a smiling face never ever lets you fall. Keeping a smile intact makes you stay calm whether it be a sunny day or dark night. This improves you, making your personality to learn to stay calm however worse the situation be.
Respecting and obeying
It is not just what you doing, what you deliver also matters. Changing yourself but on the contrary if that somehow hurts someone’s genuine feelings then instead of being strict of what you are doing you should find a midway. This will make you happy as well the other person and will further generate a sense of respect for you and receiving respect means a lot.
These were some of the ways if followed with utter enthusiasm and with a deep feeling within then it can actually turn you in the way you want, maybe you can become “the perfect girl” you always wanted to be. I hope I was helpful in answering your query. to know more continue on talepost and for updates visit our facebook.