What is Uber eats? How does it works?

Uber cabs have taken over the transportation market. With a great goodwill, it has been carrying out the business since years. Uber decided to take the next step to diversify the business and step into the food delivery market, with the name UberEats and have been excelling in this business as well.

The uber eats application works similar to the transportation application, the only difference is rather than pairing the customers to their rides, this app pairs them with food.

All you have to do is register your email id and phone number like any other food delivery application; once the user logs in to the application, pick the place you want to order food from, select the food items of your choice from the provided menu, customize the order if you wish to, add instructions to the restaurant if any, make the payment and place the order. Once the order is received by the selected restaurant, the food will be delivered at your selected location by an uber eats delivery partner.

Food delivery has become easier now. For the working class, the hungry college students, for Sunday when your wife doesn’t feel like cooking, for the unexpected guests, for replacing a boring dish, for midnight hunger and more; UberEats have got you covered in all these situations and on top of it along with the discounted prices, UberEats customer care are always on your service to solve your queries and provide you with 24 hours assistance.

How Does UberEats Work for Delivery Partners?

Uber delivery is a very simple three-step process for partners:

1. Sign up

Visit the official website Uber.com to begin with the sign-up process in minutes. Download the application and start on your activation process. As soon as your registration activates, the restaurant will be able to accept deliveries via uber eats app.

2. Receive a delivery request

Users will place a food order online through the Uber Eats application. Once the order is placed, a nearby delivery executive will be contacted and offered that order for pickup and delivery.

3. Pick up

If you accept a particular delivery, grab your car keys, bike, or even shoes and head to the restaurant to pick up the respective delivery order. The UberEats application will direct drivers to the pickup and dropoff locations.

4. Drop off the food to the customer

Once picked up, delivery executives will navigate to the customer’s location to drop off the food. The transactions and payment handling occur directly through the UberEats app. The delivery process is very simple and convenient for all the registered delivery partners.

Uber Eats has successfully taken a place in one of the leading food delivery application. With their easy to use interface, on-time delivery, quality assurance, and active customer care services. 

Chetan Mittal: