Why people are so worried about single women?

Single Women

We often see that people get unnecessarily worried about single women. The moment a single woman turns twenty-seven or even crosses twenty-five, there is quite a lot of hype and worry, about when she will tie the knot. The reasons can be pulled down to a few broad categories, if not many.

Reasons why society is concerned:

The first of them being the patriarchal society in India is always pulling down women, and they usually do not like it when women are financially independent and leading a life of their own. Patriarchal would include all men and women who are orthodox and do not like that single women will enjoy a powerful position. The patriarchal men enjoy control since they do not like women being more powerful than them, they like to subdue women, and for patriarchal women, it is usually that they themselves are caged, and do not like it if women have more independence and more say than them. The overall result always goes against single women, which is disadvantageous.

To analyze the powers of single women, they are usually financially stable, they are enjoying their work lives, and they usually have a very active social life. Since they are the masters of their own, the other people around them become uncomfortable with that degree of freedom. Questions like why are your daughter coming home late, what is she doing with the others, why has she so many male friends and when is she getting married automatically come up when the context is of single women. The same thing is never asked single men, because why would anyone interfere with a man who is earning his own bread?

Deep-seated roots:

The idea of controlling women is so deep-seated, that people actually interfere and lash out opinions. All single women must have faced the “when will you get married” question, and it may be the most annoying question posed to all single women, because why not! All single women would want to have a trip to their dream location, they would want to take more promotions and climb up the corporate ladder, or they would want to be successful entrepreneurs. Not all single women want to be tied in holy matrimony and become a baby producing machine. With the rise of education rates and the increasing number of crimes against women, there shouldn’t be fixed goals for all the single women. Single women should do as they please, without the pressure from the society.

It is amazing to see single women take the lead and perform miracles in the workspace. Usually, women are expected to fill in double roles, to take up the job responsibility as she wants independence and also to look after their families if she is married. This is but unfair, which is why single women are now predominant in our society – no one wants to be a superwoman anymore. Women are doing fine, and others should not really worry about their independence and should focus on their own.
