Being Republicans, let us dive deep to know more about our Republic day

Why we celebrate Republic day: We becoming a republic was the most essential requirement after having attained independence. Republic day every year is celebrated to commemorate the establishment and effectiveness of the Constitution of India. Which was the most important step towards having the desired nation for which independence was achieved? Every year 26th January is celebrated with extreme enthusiasm to celebrate the constitutional day of India.

Why we celebrate Republic dayWhy we celebrate Republic day

Constitution of India came into effect on 26th January 1950 replacing the old Government of India Act 1935. This was the second demolish of any British rule surviving in India at that time.


Dr. Rajendra PrasadDr. Rajendra Prasad

India achieved independence on 15th August 1947 through its continuous directional movement to set the nation free from British rule. After achieving this the nation was working on the Government of India Act which was framed by the British.

Later on, the committee with B.R. Ambedkar as chairman framed the Indian constitution which after various modifications for the continuous period of 11 months was approved and signed by 308 MPs. The day 26th January this constitution framed became effective and our president Dr. Rajendra Prasad began his term.

What does our constitution say

Constitution: It is set rules and regulations which tell us about the framed Political procedures and the power of government. The Constitution of India is one of the longest constitutions all over the globe with 395 articles and12 schedules.

The preamble of Constitution of India

Preamble basically hints you about the entire content you are going to go through. The preamble of the Indian constitution says for the same. This defines the Indian secularism, sovereignty, its liberty, its right to equality, it’s right to justice and fraternity all in a single page.


Every year this day is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the nation. The main celebrations are held at Rajpath in Delhi. Where various ceremonies take place with series of ample tableau seen. The nation every year this day gets to hear the President of India. Making the day more auspicious.

So this was an answer to your query which says why we celebrate Republic Day?. And I believe you have your answer now. To know more continue on talepost and for updates visit our facebook.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.