Mom nooo, not today….. Winters are back and so are the bathing issues.

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Winters are back and the days have returned for saying save water. Here again, we are back with the streak of the days of not bathing and going out with a little of deo, some moisturizer and a lot of good things. Winters! We have waited for you and again you are here with your bright days. Time has now come to get out all your cool winter stuff. Jackets, boots sweaters and what not to begin your day with. But everybody’s struggle of getting out of the bed and getting ready for office. And repeating the same old school excuses for not taking a bath. We have a long list of excuses but what can we do here are some.

Excuse me winters are back

The first thing that comes up in every body’s mind is “what! Bathing no I take bath once every 2 days in a row” this is very common in winters everybody sticks to their own routine. And these are some good excuses to be made which can help you short term but for longer, we have the next one for all of your winters are back excuse.

winters are back excuses

“Mom! I am not well will bath tomorrow” this is the most used excuse by school going kids and is also used by the adults and yes this can help you if you have to make it for few more days.

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bathing excuses for winters

“Today is Saturday and I don’t take bath on weekends” this the most Winters are back excuse used in the office going population. And we believe if we are on rest then there is no need for bathing.

 winters are back

“ohh! Teri aaj to late ho gaya kal nahaunga” and after saying this you still don’t get to the office early.

bathing excuses as winters are back

“Nahana!! Kal hi to nahaya tha yaar” half of the students going to the college can relate to this winters are back excuses.

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bathing excuses

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