World’s Most Religious Countries, Take Care of These Things if You Visit

Today we came to discuss the world’s most religious countries. Before moving towards the main topic one should know what the word religious exactly means? It means a person who has strong feelings and beliefs in gods so they worship them daily or occasionally. God is also considered as omnipotent because he has all the powers. Now, let us know about the world’s most religious countries and about the things you should care about if you visit these countries.

World’s Most Religious countries

1. Ethiopia

Ethiopia is an orthodox Christian country and many orthodox Christians reside here i.e. 78% of the population are Christians. So, before visiting Ethiopia you should be aware of the rules and regulations they used to follow. They used to visit the church on a weekly basis, pray daily so you should also follow their rules. Orthodox Christians have full faith in god.

2. India

India is one of the most religious countries. In India, people have faith and beliefs in god and goddesses so they visit several temples and shrines to worship. It is also known as the birthplace of four major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. There are three sacred rivers in India such as Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati. It is a blend of all religions and one should follow rules and regulations according to their religion. Religious diversity and tolerance also started in India.

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3. Srilanka

Srilanka is also a mixture of four religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, and Roman Catholic Christianity. 70% of the population believes in Buddhism because of its holy shrines. 12% in Hindu religion, 9% of the population believe in Islam because of its Muslim cultures. Most Christians being Catholics believe in Christianity. Due to this, it is one of the most religious countries. So if somebody visits, one should know about the rules they used to follow.

4. Malawi

Malawi is a Muslim country and it is divided into two Muslim categories Shia Muslim and Sunni Muslims. Malawi is covered with a wide category of Sunni Muslims. If you visit this country you should have to take care of the Muslim culture, rules, and regulations. This is the second most religious country in the world.

5. Myanmar

Big Buddha Statue in Myanmar

Myanmar consists of 90% Buddhist. Many people feel proud of their beliefs. Buddhism is mostly apparent in daily life. So, this country follows all the Buddhism rules and regulations and want other people to follow the same. This is also one of the religious countries in the world.


Talepost Media suggest everyone visit these religious places so that one should know about the rules and regulations of these countries used to follow.

Radhika Aggarwal: