10 Unknown Facts about Your Best Companion in Hunger- Maggi

Are you running late for your job? Are you feeling lazy to cook food? Don’t you have enough money to go out for having your lunch? Don’t worry; Maggi is a forever preferred solution for all. It is one of the most reliable and amazing food items which can be your best companion in your hunger. How can it be your best companion in the hunger? Obviously, if you have no time to cook food or getting late for your office then cooking magi will take your 2 minutes only and you will get the amazing and most delicious food item in front of you. Who says that money is a must for having lunch? Not really, if you have no money in your pocket to go out for having a yummy lunch then just go for the magi which may cost much little to you and you can get relieved from your hunger instantly with such an amazing taste. Can you ever imagine some unknown facts about Maggi? If no, then here are the facts-

Unknown facts about Maggi?

  1. Do you know Julius Maggi? He is a Swiss-Entrepreneur who invented the Pre- Cooked Soup and he is the man from whose names; the word Maggi was derived.
  2. He had an aide to offer the nutritional food to the working women who don’t get enough time to cook for their entire family and it was about 1884 when he took over his father’s mill to work on his idea.
  3. For the very first time, he introduced the readymade soups prepared of the legume-based meals into the market and later on he launched the Maggi Cubes in about 1886 so as to improve the flavor of the food item.
  4. His journey not just ended here, he then founded the Maggi GmBH in Germany in 1897.
  5. Numerous businessmen use the advertising methods to promote their business but he was one of the earliest and well-known inventors who felt the importance and amazing benefits of advertising.
  6. He then started investing heavily in the advertising of storefronts and started launching the “Maggi Vans” which usually offer the delicious Maggi with free sauce to the passers.
  7. Maggi is also known as instant noodles and ketchup all over the world. The Entreperenuerbalso launched an ad campaign with an amazing tagline named as “Demand the K!”.
  8. Do you know that Maggi or instant noodles own a 90% share in the entire market of India? Yes, it is absolutely true as it has been liked and loved in India, Malaysia, and Pakistan too.
  9. There is a special vegetarian formulation in the Indian Maggi as compared to the other brands.