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Common Cold and Home Remedies
As its name suggests is a very common virus infected disease. There is around 200 virus, which can cause the common cold. Hence, our human body can never manage to build resistance against all the virus infections. Common Cold is also known as acute viral rhinopharyngitis and acute coryza. According to the latest study, adults get common cold 23 times a year and children can get up to 12 times a year.
Common Cold Symptoms
As common cold symptoms triggers, the body’s reaction to the virus, one can feel and spot many changes in their body after getting infected by the common cold virus. Common cold affects the chemical releases, make the blood vessels leak which in turn makes the mucus gland work extra. Some of the common symptoms are:
- Dry Throat- One feels the constant urge to wet their throat as it dries every minute. The common cold victim also faces problem in sleeping due to continuous feeling of dryness.
- Blocked Nose- This is one of the most irritating problem one faces and it also makes difficult for the victim to breathe.
- Mild fever- One can feel a raised body temperature because of the cold which in turn makes them feel nausea with a mild headache and cough.
Home-remedies for the common cold
- Take plenty of fluid– As water and diluted fruit juices, warm tea loosens the nasal congestion and soothes the throat. Take complete bed rest.
- Gargle- Gargle with salted water to relieve the sour throat and the inflammation and hoarse voice. You can do this by adding one teaspoon of salt in Luke warm water. Gargle two to three times a day.
- Steam– This is of all time tested home remedy especially for clearing the chest and nasal congestion and opening up the blocked nose. Take a bowl of steaming hot water, hold your head slightly above this covered with a towel to consume the maximum steam. Breathe in slowly to allow the steam to enter through the nose. Repeat the process three to four times a day.
- Ginger tea with black pepper- Prepare one cup of tea with crushed ginger and pinch of powdered black pepper. this tea will help to dry the running and dripping nose and soothes common cold for a quick recovery. It will also relieve your throat inflammation.
- A mixture of honey, lemon and cinnamon- Honey is very useful for treating in treating respiratory problems, helps to dissolve mucus formed in the common cold and relieves you off the cold. Honey in combination with other herbs given an outstanding result for controlling common cold. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C, it has anti-inflammatory properties and strengthens the body’s immune system. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice with 4 teaspoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon. Drink one tea spoon of this mixture 3-4 times a day.