A Bizarre Leave Applicaton For ‘Family Development’ By U.P Cop Goes Crazy Viral!


No matter how much does our police personnel do to keep things around us go fairly and smoothly, we always have had a tint of negativity and vexation for the tasks they fail to do! Therefore we the citizens are never pleased with our cops. Sometimes we often take them for granted. Especially the Police Constables who are urged to be on duty even on public holidays and festivities. Be it the tiresomely long working hours or the need to be vigilant 24/7, these are what makes the job praiseworthy!

The worthiness of this Cop lies in his leave application

Now what has made us ponder over the worthiness of a Cop all of a sudden is this bizarre yet thought-provoking leave application by a Policeman named Som Singh who hails from the Mahoba District of Uttar Pradesh. The newly-wed Cop has asked to grand him a leave for 30-day starting from 23rd of June to ‘extend his family’!

Now what has made the leave application go this crazy viral is the response from the head of the police station. The Thana Incharge was generous enough to accept the request by forwarding it with a statement that Som Singh has applied it for the significant need of ‘ Family Development’! Moreover, the TI was keen enough to extend the number of off-duty days from the requested count of 30 to that of 45! 15 more days BONUS leave for such a quirky yet sincere request!

Well, it was after the stated report by TI that the leave application has gone viral in Whatsapp and other social media platforms.

Leave granted?

Som Singh who wanted to ‘extend his family’ wanted a month off and the Police Superintend, N Kolanchi was prompt and magnanimous to grant leave without any hesitation. Poor Som! Little did he know of how a sincere leave application could earn so many shares and funny reactions on social media. It was after the leave application reached the Top Officials that they suggested Som to make changes to the earlier one and apply anew to save him from further embarrassment on social platforms.

A new application

The new application was given thereafter with a new reason. Som Singh was then granted a leave for 10 days. There are a lot of people who are caught in the labyrinths of life and job. They sometimes tend to depress us and all we can do is to suffer quietly. But Som Singh exhibited the courage to approach it with a sincere request. Though it seems to be amazing and absurd to the netizens, there is a little truth that lies behind the cop’s situation.

What’s interesting is of how Kolachi has reacted to the statement that he has passed. He now confronts the media with the saying that he has never received one! He has also ordered an internal probe regarding such a wonderful and amazing leave application.

The cop denies that he never stated the funny application reason

Som Singh has also come up with the saying that he has never applied for one, in the name of ‘family development’. He had confronted the media with the statement that the request was all about a leave application for the construction of his house and the one which is rounding social media is all fake!

Well, social media is always busy with such bizarre and quirky stuff and this one is something that can be added up to the lists of funny and hilarious acts by the officials!!

Interestingly, netizens have come out with the truth that the leave application is true and it was after it turned viral that the officials pressurized Som Singh to change his statement to cease being fooled and embarrassed in front of the media.

Komal Sinha: