A Flush of Trolls On ISRO’S First Made In India Spacesuit

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Science has always come up with discoveries and inventions for the glittering future of mankind from time to time. We are just four years away from the launch of Gaganyaan project which is the first space mission of India which will be man equipped. This is going to be the biggest mission of India and will strengthen India’s presence on the world map. The year 2022 seems to be a new beginning from the scientific point of few as the years of dedication, and hard work will finally see the launch of the orbital model. According to the recent revelations, the Gaganyaan project will include the crew module and the service module as a man will finally be ready to hit the space. To achieve this target, ISRO is keeping an eye on every detail along with the use of the latest technologies.

Orange colored suit prototype

Vikram Sarabhai Space center seems to be the inception of this orange colored suit prototype. This suit will have the space to hold an oxygen cylinder, and you can breathe for sixty minutes in space with the help of it. Three suit designs are coming forward as three astronauts will go into space this time. Two of these suit prototypes have already been designed which will help them travel in the crew model capsule. They will be conduction research on microgravity and will be able to view India after every twenty-four hours. These capsules will rotate around the Earth in every ninety minutes, and the astronauts will take the hue of the sunset and the sunrise.

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A flush of trolls on the suit prototype color

The moment ISRO revealed about the color of the space suit a flame of trolls started hitting on the social media. The main reason for the troll was the saffron color that had been used in these spacesuits. Some people are stating that this color seems to be a representation of Modi and his party. While others are questioning why the green color is not the color of these suit prototype. Some trollers are also slamming saying this is an attack on the sentiment of seculars and liberals. The baseless remark is that saffron color signifies Hinduism. Some even are slamming saying the color looks cheap and the design is also third quality. Few also mention this as “saffronization of space.”

Is this political hue required?

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While the nation is ready to leap with new achievements the political hues seem to be a mockery. The scientists are working hard on this project. Being a part of the country which is so diverse, we need to broaden our horizon. Come out of the political ring and do something worthy that can make the nation proud. Let’s be together to make a far fetched dream become true for India. 

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