Our life has become very easy due to the smartphone. It helps us in recharge, bill payment, money transactions, shopping, and many other things. But a smartphone and its features give the most pleasure when we watch cricket, web series, shows, movies, etc. on it. Provided the data speed is good with the network. Let’s check out who is the best network provider in India, after winning the awards Airtel looks a clear winner.
Airtel Awarded for Best Video Experience Network
However, Airtel is far ahead of the rest of the service providers in terms of speed and network and this is confirmed by the recent Open Signal Report 2020 (OSR). Whether it is the best video experience or the voice app experience, download speed, and latency experience, Airtel has proven itself as a leader. Let’s know about the open signal report this time.

Watching online videos on a smartphone has become not only a trend but a necessity. During this lockdown, YouTube, Hotstar, and other video streaming services have entertained everyone. The popularity of web series and online movies has increased even after the shooting of TV shows stopped. SHE, Lion King, Jamtara, Hasmukh people love watching. Along with this, historical and religious shows like Mahabharata and Ramayana are also being streamed a lot. But it is very important to have a strong network to enjoy all these shows without any hindrance. According to the report of Open Signal, Airtel is number one in terms of giving online video experience. Because it has given users consistent and better video experience as a reliable network at the national level. In this report, Airtel has jumped from Fair (40-55) to Good (55-65) rating and established itself as the market leader and best network provider in India.
Leader of the voice app experience

The four major operators clashed for the Voice App Experience Award. But Airtel emerged as a trustworthy operator with 75.5 points and achieved a rating of Acceptable. This is because the users got a great experience using OTT voice services like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Skype, etc. on Airtel’s network. However, in the case of Voice App Experience, ratings of other telecom operators were not satisfactory, reported Open Signal.
Even better in download speed experience
Nobody likes to wait and when it comes to waiting for the app downloaded on the phone, people become desperate even more quickly. Because during lockdown our smartphone keeps us connected to the rest of the world. That is why whether it is a new game that all our friends are playing or a movie or a new app, they do not like to wait long to download anything.

Airtel has saved its users from waiting for this by giving 4G download speed to its users with an average speed of 10.1 Mbps. Users believed that the experience of the download speed that Airtel gives, the other companies could not give that experience. Earlier in the open signal report released in October 2019, Airtel was ahead of the rest of the service providers.
A new winner of Latency Experience
You must have noticed that you are playing PUBG with your friends some time and although you are shooting the frontman on your phone, after some time you come to know that your game is actually over. It is caused by high latency. The action taken by the users and the time taken by the web application to respond to that action is called latency. Meaning best latency is what gives a response in a short time. Airtel has emerged as a new winner by giving users a good latency experience. It has received the Latency Experience Award for the first time in India. The response time of users of Airtel has decreased by 3.1ms in the last six months, which is why Airtel has received this award.

When you use a smartphone, high data speed becomes most important for you, because, without it, your smartphone cannot be ‘smart’. You are neither able to take good online video experience nor take advantage of OTT voice service. It is very important to have a good and reliable network to make your phone ‘smart’. After the report of Open Signal, Airtel has proved that the best network provider is the same good that gives satisfaction to the users while using the smartphone.