Are dating apps like Tinder as useful as they seem to?

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Are Dating Apps Useful: Online dating apps have been on a huge hype ever since success of applications like Tinder and Happen on the front. Every application claims to match individuals with the kind of matches they are looking for. But are the applications actually as useful as they seem to from away? We asked few users of different dating application of their experience and let’s see what they had to say about that.

“It’s all about the paid facilities”

Are Dating Apps Useful: No doubt that the dating apps are grossing good sums. In US alone, dating applications are together making more than $3 Billion a year. A user said that the application was asking was payment and without payment he could not get any match. In his experience, the application works only if they take up the paid service. But this is such a confusion which application to select and take which paid service because all application claim to get the best matches.

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“No matches for me, was a time waste”

Are Dating Apps Useful:As the users on the applications have increased that has opened options and chances too. But the increased users have also made people have multiple options. That is why many users are unable to get the match with the individuals that they want. If there is no match on dating application, then the application can be boring and of no use.

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“A lot of scams with fake accounts are going on”

Are Dating Apps Useful: A user faced a fraud while using the application. He explained us that while he was swiping accounts, he got a match from a girl’s account. The boy was from Delhi and his matched account was from Delhi. As the days passed, the girl started taking financial favors from the boy. Later, she asked to meet the boy in personal and asked for some more money as she acted to be left no money. Like this, that account turned out to be fake and later the guy was unmatched and blocked. The boy found out from the details in the account that there was no such girl in that college and course.

Online dating applications are good for some, but most of the users end up not happy from the application’s services as they had expected. Therefore be careful when you chose the dating application and interact with people on the random chatting sites. To know more continue on talepost.

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