Five Side-Effects of Demonetisation Could Create Problem for BJP in 2019

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The clock is ticking. It is making its mark too steadily towards the election of the year of 2019. Just a few months left. The democracy is ready to showcase its eternal power for the entire country. no one can neglect the fact that both the prime parties are weaving their agendas. Soon the curtain will get down and the new ruling party of the country will emerge. As we all are knowing that at present Modi is holding the chain of control of our nation. Undoubtedly he introduced lots of tactics for the purpose of development of India. There is one historical phase which we all have faced in during this session of government is the Demonetisation. But now the question that what side effects of demonetisation could create problem for BJP in 2019, so these are as follows

1 Instability of Indian economy


Yes, this is the most obvious truth that demonetisation bought an unexpected instability of the Indian economy. You can get the clear idea of the [picture from the international value of Indian rupee at present. This is the foremost side effect of demonstration which is going to raise serious trouble in front of the BJP.

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2 Shortage of Cash

This is the second most important reason which caused a havoc of disappointment among the people of India. As the government banned the circulation of old notes the citizens became impatient which was quote natural because money is not everything but it is able to cease every one. This may turn to be a big ill effect of demonetisation for the Bharatiya Janata Party.

3 Corruption is still knocking the doors of India

BJP chalked out this intensifying strategy only for the basis of eradicating corruption from India. But it didn’t work well. the corruption is still existing in our nation. The corrupt minds are still able to load their bags with their black money. This is the third supreme side effect of demonetisation for the present government.

4 Weak Fiscal Position

Before launching the instructions for demonetisation Modi made a promise for an extensive improvement in the fiscal policy of the country. but the opposite is the reality. The fiscal position of India is still poor. All and all this is having a dark impact on the population of India. This incomparable harm caused by the BJP which is possibly going to be the strongest reason for losing the battle in 2019.

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5 Reduced prosperity index

This is hard to believe but unfortunately the fact. Demonetisation has reduced the prosperity index of India as it gave the dose of uncontrollable stress to the general public. This is going to bear by BJP only. There are chances that people will find the the election of 2019 as a sorted platform for taking the revenge from the government.

Let’s see what will happen next. This was a proper description of the side effects of demonetisation could create a problem for BJP in 2019. We all need to wait till election for tracking the right conclusion. 

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