Friendship Day Quotes 2021: Wish Your Friends Happy Friendship Day

Friendship Day QuotesFriendship Day Quotes

Friendship Day Quotes: Celebrate the bond of friendship this year with some of the best friendship day quotes. Make your friends realize how important they are to you by dedicating some of the best quotes to friends. So if you have been searching a lot over best friendship day quotes then here we bring to you the list of 10 best friend quotes.

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List Of 10 Best Friendship Day Quotes

1. “Best Friends Are Like Stars. You Don’t always see them but you know they’re always there.”

And the quote is so true, be it any phase or any time of your life you have your friends by your side whenever you need them.

2. Enjoy every moment with friends. Today’s beautiful memories are tomorrow’s beautiful memories.”

Life and its memories become memorable are when you have your friends with you. I hope reading this you might be recalling your precious memories with your best friends.

3. “Friendship is like a flower, ready to bloom every hour.”

And this statement is true to the core. The bond of friendship is just like wine which gets better as it grows old. So let the bond bloom like a flower and let its fragrance turn the environment aromatic.

4. “Friendship is like a perennial river which flows forever. It may change it’s path but will never dry up.”

Things may come on the go, but friendship is the only bond that remains evergreen and stays forever. So try to decorate this bond with the utmost beautiful memories possible.

5. Dear friend, ever since you came into my life, you have filled my life with utter joy and happiness! Happy Friendship Day to you!

Friends are the only ones whom you can count on whenever in need, be it at times of sorrow or times of happiness you will always have your bestie by your side.

6. “There is nothing on this earth more to prized than true friendship.”

This is one of the best friendship day quotes. Friends are the most important asset that we have and we can relish them in our entire life by just preserving the bond and working to strengthen it with every passing time.

7. “Making a million friends is not a miracle. Th miracle is to make a friend who will stand by you when millions are against you.”

This quote is true to the core be the times of odd or be the time of hardships or be the times of celebration friends are the ones that stand by you whenever you need them or whatever be the extent of difficulty.

8. “Friendship is a silent bond. More old more strong; more deep more clear; more close more warm; And less word more understanding.”

This is one of the best poems that can be dedicated to a friend on this friendship day. The bond of friendship is pure, warm, strong, pious, and cold when needed and the mix of all these ingredients makes up a beautiful bond.

9. “A friend is someone who brings us smile even in our tears, whose memories makes us smile across the miles and throughout the year.”

This quotation suits the best to the friend who’s close to your heart. Who is available in the most vulnerable times. Makes you feel light even in times of sorrow. Shares your feeling whatever it be, I know a person having you as a friend would be equally lucky.

10. “Best friends are the people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little brighter and live a little better.”

If you feel low or a little grieved it is a friend that stands up to you. Helps you in getting out of that grief and pain helping to divert you from every odd mood of yours. So preserve the gem gifted to you by god.

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To Sum Up

So these were some of the best friendship days quotes that you can use to wish your beloved friends a happy friendship day. This friendship’s day try strengthening all the previous bonds try spending time with the people who are the closest to your heart and have been there during the thicks and thins of your life be it your mother, father, sister, your cousins because it could be anybody. Stay tuned to talepost for more updates on lifestyle.

Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.