Today, many people have to deal with this hair problem. There are many factors that can trigger it. Among its main causes we find:
Hair Fall Problem: Causes of Hair Loss
- The environmental effects
- The aging
- the stress
- Excessive consumption of tobacco
- Nutritional deficiencies
- Hormonal imbalance and genetic factors
- Infections of the scalp
- The use of hair chemicals and certain medications
- Autoimmune diseases, polycystic ovary syndrome, iron deficiency anemia, or chronic diseases.
Remedies to Hair Fall Problem

Today, there are many products that can help to cope with this condition, to prevent it from getting worse and regaining the beauty of the hair. However, it is not necessary to invest large sums of money in costly treatments that can take a long time to work out.
Instead, we can choose to use natural ingredients that, because of their properties, can also help to achieve abundant and silky hair.
Massage with essential oil

Massages with essential oil for the hair are very suitable to combat this problem, as they increase the blood flow to the hair follicles and strengthen the roots. Among the oils that can be used for this purpose are coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, castor oil, and rosemary oil.
- A good choice is to prepare a mixture of some of the essential oils with rosemary oil. The latter accelerates the results and brings important benefits to the hair.
- Apply a little oil all over the scalp and massage, applying light pressure with your fingers.
- This treatment should be performed once or twice a week.
Fenugreek or fenugreek
This natural ingredient has been popularized for its effectiveness in combating hair loss. These seeds contain estrogens and other substances similar to female sex hormones, which improve hair growth and help, rebuild hair follicles.
In addition, it provides protein and nicotinic acid, which also stimulate natural hair growth. What should you do?
- Put soaked fenugreek seeds in a cup of water overnight.
- The next morning, mash them into a paste.
- Apply the paste all over the hair and scalp, cover with a cap and let it act for 40 minutes.
- Do this remedy daily for a month.
Onion juice

Because of its high sulfur content, onion juice helps improve the circulation of blood to the hair follicles, regenerating them and reducing inflammation. In addition, it has antibacterial properties, which combat scalp infections that can cause hair loss.
Remove the onion juice with a grate, strain it and then apply it directly on the scalp. Leave on for 30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly to remove odor.
In addition to being very healthy for the body, beet juice is a good ally of capillary health, able to stop the fall and promote healthy growth.
- For capillary use, boil some beet leaves, crush them, and then mix them with a little henna. When a paste is formed, apply it all over the scalp, let it act for 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of water. It is important to know that this treatment can change the tone of the hair, although it is ideal for covering the hair naturally.