Common Sense in 2019: Yes! you read it right “common sense“. Yes! we all have it and certainly, use it but why rarely? Some following events that happened in India in the past year have sent a lot of messages to the people internationally. some were really overwhelming but some deeply impacted the image of the Indian Republic globally. here we are listing some events that sent some positive and negative messages to people globally.
Some Events
As I am a follower of India by heart so first the positive events.

Ram Mandir and Babri Masjid Verdict
this was a very sensitive issue as previous governments were not able to resolve the conflict but the issue was raised and finally, the supreme court concluded it with giving another land for the mosque and that land goes for ram mandir conclusion was accepted by both the parties and resolving the conflict.
NRC and CAA Bill
You might be shocked that why this came in the positive listing? let me tell you despite all the wrong rumors, the whole country came as one for our Muslim and Minority brothers and sisters. these were some good and below the following are the negative ones.
Following are some negative events
NRC and CAA Bill
You must be guessing why this again. But we as Indians did not do the rightful when this issue was rising as following rumors and destroying public property is a heinous crime and that too after government affirming on the news that it is not for abolishing citizenship its about giving.
This one is too much! Hyderabad Rape case
people worldwide when talking about Indians they create an image of brotherhood between siblings and all but when it comes to others why we behave like this and whom to blame this cant be put on government as we are the culprits as we can not save our sisters from getting raped why we every time raise voice and calm down why can’t it be like we did for NRC Bill. we have to save our sisters and one more thing that is our earth so keep contributing to Global warming as an issue. to know more continue on talepost for similar articles like Common Sense in 2019 and for updates visit our facebook.