Some actions which can not be reversed if god says too

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Jalianwala Bagh- 13TH APRIL, 1919, SUNDAY. The day, when British troops fired on a large crowd of unarmed Indians. Several innocent people were killed in this massacre. This day marked a turning point in India’s modern history.

Now, Jalianwala Bagh is a tourist place in Amritsar, Punjab, famous for one of the most tragic landmarked events in Indian History. This incident exposed the inhuman approach of the Britishers.

source – Tips Films

This year, India has completed 100 years, of Jalianwala Bagh Massacre, where 15,000-20,000 people were killed by 50 troops.

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The Rowlatt Act gave the authority to the Britishers to arrest anyone on grounds of mere suspicion. Usually, this Act was made to control the Indian revolutionaries.

Jalianwala Bagh

Against this Act, the Indians observed a protest on March 30th and April 6th of the same year.

10th April 1919, two famous leaders, Dr. Kitchlew and Dr. Satyapal were arrested.

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Jalianwala Bagh

There was no way for the crowd to escape the garden as the area was surrounded by the buildings. There was only one gate for entry and exit. That’s why this was the main reason for ‘Jalianwalabagh Hatyakaand’.

Jalianwala Bagh- The Indians were gathered there to celebrate a Baisakhi, which is one of the biggest festivals in Punjab.

Jalianwala Bagh

Not only Gurkha and Baluchi soldiers were using Scinde rifles, but there were also two armored cars with machine guns for shooting.

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The Indians who were gathered to celebrate the festivities were not warned or asked to disperse before the order of Colonel Dyer.

Jalianwala Bagh

There were many people that were killed and injured by the bullets, but there were many people who lost their lives falling into a well in trying to escape themselves.

Jalianwala Bagh- Colonel Reginald Dyer shot dead on 13th March 1940 by Udham Singh. Udham Singh was a member of the revolutionist Ghadar party who was on a mission of revenge for the Jallianwala Bagh Massacre.

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