Justice is finally done, convicts of Nirbhaya case hanged to death

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Medhavi Singh
Medhavi Singh
Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.
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Nirbhaya case was a big question mark to humanity, which made us feel that how can something so cruel happen. This was a breathtaking incident and the most vulnerable and brutal experience one could ever pass through. Even after such ruthless, inhuman act convicts received the death penalty after 7 years of continuous fight for justice.

On the streets of South Delhi dated 16th December 2012, Nirbhaya who was traveling with her male friend on a private bus got caught by six men including the bus driver who was traveling along. They brutally tortured and raped her. Those men tortured her friend as well and did beat him mercilessly till he went unconscious. She was gang-raped brutally, and those rapists not only raped her but badly injured her private parts, with various objects destroying her inner body and continued to do so till she became unconscious.

Once they both lost their senses those rapists threw them out of the bus on the road by they lay unconscious and naked on the streets. Somehow her male friend gathered some consciousness and managed to take her to the hospital. Nirbhaya was treated there for ten days, after which she was taken to Singapore where after two days of treatment she took her last breath.

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This act of inhumanity was condemned all over the nation, all over the globe. But the justice was still to be done. Even after such brutality, justice was not expected to arrive early. It took a long run of 7 years to give justice to Nirbhaya and every girl out there. 20th March 2020 morning 5:30 was that day when justice knocked on the door of Nirbhaya’s family and humanity finally survived. The rapist was hanged to death and they kept pleading for their release.

This case was not only a wake-up call of degrading humanity rather it tells how can a human be so insensitive to other humans. Not only the rape that happened but the amount of time that justice took to knock the door, tells how the convicts were defended by people even after doing such a heinous act.

Even after Nirbhaya’s case rape has not come to a stop. Still girls out there are not safe, still, justice takes time. The everyday newspaper highlights the death of girl due to rape. This is a big question mark to the government inaction, every girl has this question “Can’t we have a safe nation to live in with freedom?” We don’t want candle march when our life has destroyed rather we want a march that terrorizes every man out there who are potential rapists and who think like one. So that we create a society where we live peacefully, happily with no fear.

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