Pornography to Sex in Normal Life : Why Relationships are too complicated?

Is your sex inspired from Pornography?

Pornography, it’s not wondering if you got shocked with the title. Today I am going to throw some light on this particular topic. We are in the modern age where everything is completely different from the ancient world and this is very sad we are comparing everything, no matter what it is, things, person or nature.

We need everything high tech, modern and good looking. Be it living or non-living things, we need best at any cost.

My above title is related to modern relationships. Every woman needs film star as husband and men also want a complete fashion model in his wife.

It’s my observation that Pornography is one of the important things which affecting men’s mind. Every man needs a complete model to fulfill his sexual desires. But as a Wife, they need simple natured women to maintain their household needs.

Relationships needs to be handled naturally

Whoever it is men or women, both should understand relationships is a very pure thing, and we can’t make it compete the way we are watching the movie, or in pornography.

As in the normal movie, there are so many takes and so many preparations for being in the movie and play that character. The Same thing also applies to pornographic videos. We can’t just apply them in real life. So in Pornography or in movies, whatever girls do and how they look is not natural. This is a business and we should not compare such things with simple life. For men to his wife with a simple lifestyle this is not possible.

The relationship is completely depending upon the natural understanding with full of pure emotions comes from the heart.  Nice conversations helps to maintain Good Relationship without any further modification and artificiality. We can build it with care and honesty. Everyone must need to understand that the life is to live it happily. Instead of dreaming for such bored fantasies.

Talepost Desk: