Make in India: How it will help foreign companies invest in India…

Make In India, overview: To achieve greatness, you need to think large and to complete great you need to begin small. Yes, this is what Indian ideology is all about, which is helping the nation to pace its development, its aspiration to bloom as one of the strongest developed nations. Make in India is one such small initiative taken by the Indian government which is utterly changing the market scenario of India, converting it into an economic hub.

What is Make in India?

It is a type of movement towards improvement which covers 25 sectors of the Indian economy, launched on 25th September 2014. It promotes foreign companies to invest and manufacture their products in India which will directly increase the nation’s revenue, which will increase employment and further improving the economic status of the nation.

Indications of Make in India being a successful movement

  • High unemployed, skilled and aspiring human capital.
  • The versatility of people with multiple skills.
  • Large unexplored sectors
  • A strong force to see India as a strong developed nation.

How will this benefit India?

An increased amount of investment and a great amount of manufacture will provide greater job opportunities to people with any skill of any type.

Increased jobs will result in an increased amount of paid taxes which will increase the revenue of the nation which will directly enhance and pace up economic growth. More foreign companies, more manufacturers and versatility in manufactured products will enhance the working skill and will be a great learning experience for the enthuse.

Indications of Make in India being a success

  • Doing Business Report (DBR 2019) shows a jump of 23 ranks from its past rank being 100 in 2017.
  • According to the annual report 2018-19 of the Department of Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), India received an FDI worth $ 286 billion during NDA’s first session 2014-19.
                 YEAR                    FDI Inflow
              2014-15  $31.20  billion
              2016-17  $60.08  billion
              2018-19   $64.37  billion

Make In India, overview:To ease out the process of investment and to attract investors, Indian government has pacified the permit process.

Below mentioned are the three process of permits depending on the economic sector:

1) Automatic Route: According to which no approval is required by non- residential or resident investors from the Government of India.

2) Government Route: According to this non- resident or resident investors in order to invest need proper approval from the Government of India.

3) Automatic + Government Route: According to this partial involvement of government is essential before proceeding for investment.

How will making foreign companies invest in India will work?

Investment by foreign companies will help to solve many purposes in a variety of ways. Companies initiating to manufacture in India will get a good set of human resources to work for their company thereby satisfying both the investing company as well as the employee. A good section of employed citizens would increase the tax payees thereby generating a handsome revenue and further enhancing the economic scale of the nation. If an investor flourishes via this Make in India, obviously this would further attract the other crowd of investors. Thereby creating an investor chain and a strong row of FDI inflow which would ultimately boon the structure of the Indian Economy.

To pen down I would say this Make in India is boosting the economic structure of our nation and if it works to its full potential it will surely be the most benefiting movement ever been.

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Medhavi Singh: Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.