Corruption is a donated gift by Britishers to Indians in accordance with making us work

Political corruption in India: Corruption! we are all aware of it and we also know to what extent it has rotten the whole nation. From schools to offices, from temples to mosques everybody is corrupted but we still do not know where this corruption came from. But we all know every single thing in the universe has its pros and cons and so does corruption. But what can we do we are Indians we get attracted to negativity first rather than checking the brighter side. Here we are mentioning some pros and cons of corruption which could change your perception towards corruption.

Why we need corruption

It has a simple meaning which is to fasten the process of making people work with unnecessary means.

Extra! we all want something extra. Corruption promises what you want but it has a cost that you have to pay later.

Morals! what to do with the morals if it can’t help you and people around you.

People put an extra effort for your work if you bribe them

Reasons to avoid Corruption

Corruption is not for everyone, some belief in administration and some can not afford it.

Corruption makes people greedy and selfish.

It divides people in terms of money.

Another reason to end corruption is we live in India and we treat everybody equally and corruption makes barriers that have to be taken down.

We Do not Mean Disrespect To Our Nation and political corruption in India should be ended but its an ongoing process. We can not end it but we can put restrictions on it. To know more continue on talepost.

Manish Suyal: