Salman Khan on the Phases of Truth and Camera

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We only see what we think are the real personalities of the people we follow as idols yet there exists a space. A huge void between what we see and what truth they are. In a recent interview with the Times Of India, Bollywood actor Salman Khan talked about the pros and cons of an acting career.

Who better to seek the knowledge from other than the ‘Bhaijaan’ of Bollywood? With his magnanimous fan base and unparalleled love for humanity. He finally opened up about the visages and the truth behind them.

The interview

When asked about it, it wasn’t easy for the fifty-two-year-old actor to come to a superficial conclusion. So, he shared his experience and his precision of his entire acting career. He said in the interview that it is indeed impossible to fake an image. when someone is on camera.

He said, whenever an actor portrays an image on a screen, he or she has to feel all the little emotions flowing through the mind circuits of the character. If someone fails to do so, they may impress the audience for a tiny amount of time but for generations. It is indeed impossible. He also talked about him hosting various reality shows like ‘Dus Ka Dum’ or ‘Big Boss’, wherein he gets so intimately close with the audience that he forgets that he is on screen. What comes out on the set of the show is indeed his real self and he is extremely happy that the audience responds well to it.Salman khan

His fears

During the interview, when questioned about how he overcame that he was sent to the prison for hunting a black buck, he smiled meekly stating that, there are and were at once thousands of controversies going on around the actor and that if he starts responding to it, he won’t remain the same old happy self.

In the interview, he said that often times his parents have spent sleepless nights regarding all the prison matters the media has so often glorified. That he is not at all happy about all the stuff that has happened in the past that has caused great mental pressure to his aging parents.Salman khan

What does camera takeout from an actor?

In the aforementioned interview with the times of India, he told the TOI that a person can fake few minutes of his performance on screen but until and unless he feels the depth of the character he portrays, the audience has the power to spot a fake. He feels that’s what a camera takes out from an actor.

To play a role, you’ve got to be the role and not just learn it. He says the stardom that comes along with good acting skills is oftentimes less glorious than it seems from the outside. Being an actor for so many years.

He has undoubtedly mastered the skills of being in front of a camera and according to him, it is being your real self that counts the most. It is impossible to fake on camera is what he always uses when encountering such questions.Salman khan

Salman Khan is all in all undoubtedly the most loved as well as the most controversial actor in all of Bollywood. Yet after so many controversies pinned on his name, he stands strong dealing with all of this all by himself and showering love to the needy and poor.

His mantra indeed works like a charm for he says, it is impossible to fake on camera, and he stands by it against all odds.

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