Some are unresolved, some are forced to stay so, a bunch of mysterious happenings which are still unanswered…

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Medhavi Singh
Medhavi Singh
Medical professional, Writer and an Author. Aspiring to merge three and lead science to a different parameter.
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Unsolved mysteries: There is always a darker side when some mishappening occurs then only the percentage of darkness varies. Some which have a greater darker side, are revealed less or even not revealed. This leaves people with an immense curiosity which us difficult to resolve. Because not everyone can dive in to get the answer.

Here is the list of such unsolved mysteries, whose secrets are still burrowed deep.

The Dyatlov pass

On the night of February 1959, the death of nine ski-hikers was heard about. At night bunch of these men after having their meal, went to sleep in their tents. These people never ever returned from that trip. The bodies of three men were found, one with bare foot, one with just underwear, one with no tongue and later on bodies of others were discovered.

It is said that it was some intense natural phenomenon which led to their death, some say it is a human act, some say it is an inhuman intrusion. And we still don’t have any perfect answer for this and the mystery remains unsolved.

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Mr. DB Cooper

One of the unsolved mysteries of 1971.As per the physical description provided by the passengers and attendants on board he was a middle-aged man with a completely well-dressed attire. He like any other passenger ordered food and enjoyed his ride. Later he gave a piece of paper to one of the lady attendants which she ignored. But later on, man asked her to see the paper as he told her that he carries a bomb.

He later demanded for today’s $1 million and fuel tanker at the next stop and 5 extra parachutes. His demands were fulfilled and then he allowed the passengers and attendants to leave. He began with the next ride and on landing to the other stop he was found missing and even parachutes were not used nor did he use the ransom, nor his remains were found ever.

Flight MH370

It was a Malaysian airliner that went missing while it’s a journey from Kaulalampur to Beijing. The weather that day was clear, nothing that could disrupt the flight was observed. But this flight went missing.

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A major search operation took the great Indian ocean but not a single remains of this flight was discovered and the death of 239 people onboard remains a mystery.

The Mary Celeste

A ship carrying a group of passengers went vacant with them in the midst of Atlantic. The passengers had carried enough food for their 6 months of voyage. But none of their remains returned from that journey.

It is assumed that it might be the pirates who are behind this or any giant octopus or any sea demon. But the mystery remains intact and unsolved.

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The girls of Nigeria

Close to 300 girls from a Government school of Nigeria were kidnapped and it is said to be done by an Islamic group Boko Haram. The Nigerian police tried to find the girls and the reason for their kidnap but none of it was received.

And this kidnap is still a history none of the girls was rescued theirs after.

So these were some of the unsolved mysteries which are still unanswered and will remain so. to know more continue on talepost and for updates visit our facebook.

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