In today’s date, everyone is well aware of the fact that Diljit is a huge fan of Kylie. Recently, the record of a most liked picture of Kylie on Instagram has been broken by the picture of an egg. This has made the Hollywood star sad and shocked. According to the news, it was reported that the number of likes given to this picture of the egg has made the internet go crazy.
The most liked picture of Kylie was the picture of her newborn daughter. That picture had somewhere 18 million likes. Although, this record has been broken down as the picture of an egg has received like more than 45 million and still counting.

In response to this new record, Diljit passed a message to the star for being “tension-free”. It was many times, the Punjabi star has openly expressed his admiration and fondness for Kylie. He says, “I am a one-sided lover of Kylie Jenner.”
On this new record for this picture, the Punjabi-star decided to take revenge. He made a video where, he is constantly breaking eggs as they have destroyed the record of her crush, Kylie.