This is why Buddhism is true

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Do you know that Buddhism is considered to be the fourth largest religion followed by people in the world? There are about 520 million people in the whole world who practice and have faith in Buddhism. Well, with each passing day, Buddhism is spreading to more and more people around the world. Have you ever wondered what makes people believe in this practice? Well, if you are not aware of the same, then once you finish reading this blog, you would know why we say that Buddhism is true and it really has a positive impact on every soul which practices it. However before we begin to discuss the reasons why it is true, let us first know a little about the history of Buddhism.

History of Buddhism- the study of faith

Many people believe that given the fact Buddhism is largely practiced by the people living in Japan. But it is not true as the history tells that this practice of faith and revolution had originated in ancient India somewhere between the 4th and 6th centuries. The history also suggests that this was started by Gautam Buddha.

How is Buddhism practiced?

Since time immemorial, Buddhism has always been practiced through meditation. In today’s modern world, more and more people are getting drawn towards the practice of Nichiren Buddhism. This practice of Nichiren is based on the studies of 13th-century Japanese Buddhist Priest, Nichiren.

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Our readers would be thrilled to know that even though this study of Nichiren Buddhism started in Japan but it is also widely spread in India.

What is the philosophy of Nichiren Buddhism?

The whole practice of Nichiren Buddhism is based on one’s causes in life, by this I mean to say that people attract the type of energy they radiate to the environment. In this practice of faith, all the people chant Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō and also study various teachings of Nichiren. In short, we can say that this practice is completely based on belief and one’s strong will to overcome any obstacle of his or her life.

Does this practice actually works?

I can sense that my readers would be eagerly waiting to know that does this practice really works or not. Well, the answer to this question is YES. There is much living proof of the fact that people have actually re-shaped their lives for good with this practice. If one will start to research about Nichiren Buddhism, then he or she will find that almost every day thousands of people challenge and overcome their obstacles in life (physical and mental – both obstacles) by having a strong faith in this practice.

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What makes this practice actually true?

The only thing which helps to make this practice true is nothing other than one’s own determination and dedication to fight challenges in Life. The practice of Buddhism opens new opportunities and also initiates the human revolution in people due to which all the practitioners of it are able to open new ways to succeed in their lives. In today’s date, there are many books and studies by the experts which will help one to study deeper about this practice and then find out of this is actually true or not. One of the latest books on this is written by Robert Wright- Why Buddhism is True?

Keep reading Talepost to know more such interesting things.


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