Top 5 Best Credit Cards: Having the Best Credit Card in India has become a part of people’s daily lifestyle in the past few decades. When it comes to metropolitan cities then it turns to be an essential part. After all, having a credit card offers you a sophisticated lifestyle that you have dreamt of it. On the other hand, It is very crucial while selecting the right credit card or else you might end up losing on a lot of offers. So it is very important to choose a reliable credit card after comparing it with other different Credit Cards. While selecting a credit card, you should be aware of the Top 5 Best Credit Cards in India which gives you maximum benefits while you transact.
1. Citibank Cashback Credit Card:
If you are looking for the best credit card for absolute cash back then, Citibank card is also well known as Cashback card as it offers a lot of cashbacks on purchases made.
- Citibank Credit Card offers flat 5% cashback on buying movie tickets or
- If you use it to pay your utility bills like electricity bill or mobile bills.
- Moreover, you also get 0.5% cash back on other purchases made from this card; which means that every time you spend from this Credit Card, you surely get a cashback.
2. Standard Chartered Manhattan Platinum Credit Card:
If you want a Credit Card that fulfils all your daily lifestyle expenses. Then, Standard Chartered Manhattan Platinum Credit Card is the only credit card that gives 5% cashback on grocery purchase.
- If you want to buy grocery from any departmental store like Big Bazaar, Reliance Fresh, More, you get a flat 5% cash back on your bill amount.
- The price of this Credit Card is INR 999 annual fee in the first year and INR 999 is the renewal fee from a subsequent year onwards.
3. ICICI Instant Platinum Credit Card:
If you are a self-employed individual, or a homemaker or student or someone who has a bad credit history due to a past financial crisis and want to have a credit card. Then, this is the most appropriate card for you. ICICI bank offers ICICI Instant Platinum Card to people who hold Fixed Deposits with them without any financial documents.
4. Indian Oil Citi Platinum Credit Card:
If you are looking for a Credit Card of maximum benefits and offers. Then, the Indian Oil Citi Platinum Credit Card provides benefits to regular fuel charge users in India.
- With this card, you earn 4 Turbo points on the spending of every INR 150 for fuel purchase at any Indian Oil outlet across the country.
- You can get a chance to get your annual fee waived off if you can spend INR 30,000 in a year; else your annual fee is INR 1,000.
5. HSBC Visa Platinum Card:
If you are looking for a Credit Card which gives benefits and discounts at lowest price. Then, HSBC card offers a variety of benefits to its cardholders from reward points to cashback and additional discounts.
- HSBC card gives you 10% cashback on all transactions in the first 3 months if you have at least 3 transactions more than INR 10,000 each.
- You also earn fuel surcharge waiver on filling fuel from this card.
All of the above mentioned Credit Cards are performing tremendously well. So it is all up to you and your daily lifestyle requirement and benefits out of it.