Urdu quotes on zingadi: Quotes, are the shortest sentence that always works as a sense of motivation for us. Urdu quotes on zindagi are the Urdu form of writing which holds within it the essence of life. These quotes if read and understood properly have a deep meaning within them which helps a person living it, helps to lead a life that has satisfaction as well as happiness.

“Language and way of talking spill the secret of person’s good or bad personality”.
Undoubtedly true these lines are, the way you behave the way you react reflects the way you feel, thereby reflecting the kind of person you are.

“People earn to be happy but eventually stay depressed in the entire earning process”
This is something to be learned from, people run behind money because they feel money is happiness but eventually instead of gaining happiness from it earn agony and unhappiness.

“Always be patient, a work before turning easy is always difficult”.
Being patient is a remedy to every problem, because none of the task is easy in beginning, to make it easy you need to work hard but patiently.

“We hesitate to explain our love but, turn outspoken when it comes to describing the enmity”.
That’s true to a very great extent a large section of our society still is introvert when it comes to expressing their love but when it comes to living the enmity they are outspoken.

“People who utter words are at no loss but the people who bear it do behave strangely”.
This is something that does not allow a person to live to his/her own opinion, the one who is saying something, his words are absolutely not affecting him/her but if the bearer gets affected then this is unnecessary harm caused by the bearer to his/her own self.

“In your life, if you give importance to everyone then the one, who is good, will stuff you with happiness and the negative one will end up teaching you a lesson”
This is the essence of life, memory is good or bad, a person is good or bad, always ends improving us or carving us into a better person.

“A person is characterized by his virtues, not by his outfit”.
A point to ponder on, people keep dying for branded clothes to dignify their personality, but to remind you it is not the brand of clothes that make you a friendly, lovable person it is your nature and your virtues that make your mark in the society.

“Never express your agony in front of the world because they instead of healing you, hurt you at the same wound”
Exactly, expressing your pain, your grief is just a segment of enjoyment for people, whom you are telling to, nobody has a soft corner for anybody rather they somehow end up hurting you at the same point.
These were some of the best Urdu quotes on Zindagi from Zindagi Gulzar hai, which if imbibed, do help yourselves to lead a better life. To know more continue on talepost.