Earlier children used to go to schools and attend the classes but, nowadays due to lockdown and COVID-19 their classrooms have been converted into online classes. Online classes at one point are a good opportunity for students to study while being at home but on the other side internet exposure is not good for young children. Many children are adjusting them according to the new rules given by the education minister. Now, the main focus is on why children are struggling with online classes.
There are many reasons behind this due to which they are facing problems. Children don’t feel self-motivated as they were before as a result of which they show less interest in the class. Parents are thriving with a lot of complaints about the learning and development of their children. Some parents avoid engaging their children in the mobile or pc so it’s very difficult for them to engage them in such things. If school’s education has been taken over by online education so it should be sone in the same way as they are done in the schools.
As explained above students are struggling with a lot of problems regarding online classes. There are many students who used to study in government schools finding it very difficult to attend online classes. Government schools students are not that much capable to afford a laptop or a smartphone so they are facing too many problems. Most of the children who study in government schools live in slum areas so they avoid showing their homes in the video.
If at times they have a smartphone but, due to lack of internet connections, they lack in attending the online classes. This created a class division between the rich and poor especially those who belong to the economic backgrounds. according to Delhi Government, in private schools around 90% of students are attending online classes but in government schools, only 10% of students are managing to attend. This is due to a lack of laptops or smartphones, internet connectivity, and many more. There are some students who don’t have even a normal phone.
So, due to this Delhi high court asked to provide free laptops and mobiles to poor children during the lockdown. I quote:- ” Online classes can never take place of classroom teaching. Clinical Psychologist Aditi Sinha quotes:-
I think it’s okay if a child sits at home for 1 year. Parents can teach them through collaborative activities and storytelling and in the process also cut themselves some slack”.
Online classes create a lot of stress, anxiety, obesity, lack of sleep, etc. So, in order to reduce all these problems, we have to take a strong step as our life is more important than education. Talepost media suggest everyone support every child and parents who are facing and struggling with this phase during the lockdown.

Online classes can never take place of classroom teaching this is reality.