Alert!! If you still do not conserve, Then you will not be able to do anything, Except regret!!

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Climate Change: Ab pachtaye hoye ka, jab chidiya chug gai khet…..Many times have heard these proverbs from our elders, our elders used this proverb to protect and understand us from the future result.

Many times have heard these proverbs from our elders, our elders used this proverb to protect and understand us from the result that lies ahead. However, in this article, we will talk about How is our future related to this proverbs

If humans face the biggest danger in the future, then it is the problem of climate change, which in some form or the other is standing in front of us. Whether it is a fire in the Amazon jungles of Brazil or the water crisis in Chennai. All these examples are pointing out that we should be alert about this.

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Today we will tell about some such incidents of climate change which shook us this year.

The immense water crisis in Chennai

In June this year, due to lack of drinking water in Chennai, conditions like drought had become there. Pictures taken from the satellite have shown that the water level of major reservoirs there is continuously decreasing, mainly due to climate change.

Climate Change
Climate Change

Snowfall in Rajasthan

For the first time in history, there was continuous snowfall in Nagaur district of Rajasthan for about an hour. Snowfall in this hot area is also saying that climate change is reaching dangerous levels.

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Climate Change
Climate Change

9 states flood in India

This year 9 states of India from Maharashtra, to Bihar and Kerala, were troubled by floods. According to a report, about 100 people lost their lives and millions of people were displaced.

Climate Change
Climate Change

Ice in the Arctic is rapidly melting

Not only this, Research in Canada has revealed that the oldest and most stable patch of ice in the Arctic is rapidly melting.

Climate Change
Climate Change

Amazon Rainforest fire

The Amazon forests of Brazil were on fire for nearly 60 days. Due to this, about 3000 square miles of these rain forests were burnt to ashes. These are the same forests that take care of our health because they produce about 20 percent oxygen in the whole world.

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Climate Change
Climate Change


In the name of various industrial projects, deforestation in India continued this year. According to a report, in the name of industrial development this year, all the forests of Haryana’s area were sacrificed.

A part of the Arctic Ocean ice will disappear completely

The Arctic Ocean is warming rapidly. Due to this, snow will disappear completely from a part of it between 2044-67.

Australia forest fire

A huge fire broke out in Australia’s jungles in November. 350 Koala also died in this. It is an animal found in Australia. Due to this fire there had to be declared a fire emergency.

The polar bear has started moving towards cities

Due to melting snow in the Arctic, the problem of eating in front of the polar bear has arisen. Due to this, they have started moving towards cities.

By 2050, food security will suffer a big blow

Experts say that by the year 2050, the problem of food security will become even more acute. He says that by this year, global demand for food items will increase by 50% and production will fall by 30%.

Climate Change
Climate Change

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