Bengaluru Traffic Police creative attempt to deploy Lord Ganesha as road safety awareness

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Bengaluru traffic police just know how to spread the road safety rules in innovative ways. The traffic police reminded people about the chances of near-death accidents if the necessary traffic rules are not followed. But if you are thinking, the traffic police choose the same monotonous way for doing so, here something as a surprise.

How will you feel if Lord Ganesha himself hands you a helmet and talks about the road safety rules? Wouldn’t it be a great experience that you will never forget and obviously will remember for your life? Well, the same thing happened with the people in Bengaluru. To give the people a lifelong experience to remember about road safety, Bengaluru traffic police joined hands with none other than the Almighty.

It was Lord Ganesha that came as help for Bengaluru traffic police. Yes, you heard it right. With roses in his hands, a man dressed as Lord Ganesha handed helmets to the people. This innovative act happened with the travelers traveling near Rajajnagar Traffic Control. Travelers were given helmets along and yellow roses along with friendly advice to follow the road safety rules. Although it was not divine intervention, the people were quite convinced with the advice and concern.

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It was not the first time that Bengaluru police has played with their creativity for maintaining road safety. Their previous attempt of involving ‘Yamraja’ was also a great success amongst the people. The whole effort was done to create awareness amongst the people about the importance of wearing helmets while driving.

The successful innovative campaign about the importance of road safety seemed to have a great impact on the people. Along with enjoying the whole incident, the people also realized the importance of following the necessary road safety rules. Lord Ganesha left no space to aware the people about the fatal consequences of guarding the head while traveling. People were also told about the near-death incidents that can also happen due to not wearing a helmet.

Bengaluru police have actively taken many efforts for spreading the necessary awareness about road safety amongst the people. The cops also participated in street plays that again points towards the safety of people traveling on roads. As performers, they not only became popular online but also won many hearts along with spreading necessary awareness.

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Earlier, a man named Veeresh Muttinamath, who is a theatre artist played Yamraja to drive people’s attention towards road safety. Later, Veeresh was appreciated for his efforts and was also rewarded with Rs. 10,000.

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