UGC NET 2018: CBSE Stands for Central Board of Secondary Education, Delhi which controls the school section of the several cities. CBSE is now open to take students’ registration & applications for UGC NET 2018 exams. The Board has activated the link for UGC NET 2018 July examinations. The link you can see on the website Candidates interested in applying for UGC National Eligibility Test for July 2018 examinations must visit the link on the same website. This facility will be availed to the interested candidates until 5th April 2018. So, students hurry up to register & grab your seats to avoid any further jeopardy. Kindly note that Aadhaar Card is now a mandatory legalized document required for the application & registration for UGC NET 2018 Examinations.

All the information and guidelines are available on the website bulletin i.e. As earlier mentioned, the applications & registrations have started already & they will end on April 5th, 2018. Candidates can also apply for varying positions provided online such as Assistant Professor or JRF (Junior Research Fellowship) in any University Grant Commission recognized institutions or colleges, it is mandatory to pass the UGC Examinations. UGC has revised the eligibility criteria along with the examination paper pattern. All the details & guidelines are available on the website which includes important dates, eligibility criteria & how to apply for examinations.
All the interested candidates must take a note that the application forms are available online from 11 am onwards& also you will find several updates on the link & websites. The link for applying online is also provided on the official website along with the date, time. UGD NET Examination will be conducted on July 8th, 2018.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidates who have completed Bachelors & Masters with minimum 55% in their final examinations are eligible to apply for the UGC NET examinations. For special class students such as SC, ST, OBC, the minimum criteria are 50%.
- Candidates who are pursuing or awaiting the final master’s results are also eligible to register as well as apply for examination along with the application for jobs as Assistant Professor and Junior Research Fellowship positions. But these positions will be available only after passing masters degree with a required
- Candidates who are transgender are also eligible for the examinations and they can avail every exemption reserved for special class students.
- Candidates can apply only in the subject in which they have pursued their Master’s
- Candidate must be maximum of 30 years for the eligibility for the post of Junior Research Fellowship wef July 1, 2018, & it is to be noted that there is no age limit for the post of Assistant Professor.
How to apply for UGC NET July 2018 Examination:
Candidates interested for the UGC NET Examinations must carefully study the bulletin guidelines and information on the website. Also, study the paper pattern revised for July 2018 UGC NET Exams. Steps on how to apply are as follows:
- Go to the official website
- Click on the link to apply online-Apply Online For CBSE UGC NET July 2018 Examination.
- Go to New Registration and fill the form and details.
- Candidates must note that they must fill the correct mobile number and email address for all updates. They must use the email address and mobile number.
- Post validation of the registration, it is mandatory for the candidates to fill the online application form along with required document photo and signature.
- After filling the forms, the candidates have to pay the fees. For general class students, the fees are Rs 1000 and for OBC, SC, ST the fees is Rs. 500.The transgender class has fees of Rs.250. Payment can be made online and e challan will be generated online. Credit cards and debit cards are used. The confirmed payment shows that application has been made successfully.
- Additional charges are applied to credit and debit cards such as 1.20% or 0.75%
Online application has started from March 6, 2018, and the last date to apply is April 5, 2018.
Last payment date is April 6, 2018, and date of examination is July 8, 2018.