Save the Girl Child and Educate the Girl Child : Are We Serious?

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Save The Girl Child, Educate The Girl Child

We have continuously heard this slogan since the BJP government came into power. True very true we should save the girl child we should educate the girl child as well. But what we do to save girl child and what can we do to educate them? if we are unable to give them a bright future. I know there is the question why we have such conflict in mind? As we know the structure of our Indian society, there is always a male domination, always consider them as the main person.

We are focusing position of the girl, we debate, give dharnas, we called the social activist to raise the voice against male dominance. But the important thing is that we should educate our male dominant nation to understand the consequences of ignoring women participation in the society. Because unless they don’t understand the importance of women we can not make any changes in the position of our girls in society.

If we actually want to watch the real situation we have to put our steps on the ground level, especially in the rural areas where the condition of women is much worse than the urban societies.

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The Real Picture of Woman in Our Society

I am telling you what is the real picture of the current society, every woman rushing here and there to work for survival. If you stand in the middle of a street to observe the situation of women, you will easily get the real picture of women. Here you will find the women going and returning from work and other are busy in household work. While the male mostly found in street sparing time idle if they do not work.

You can easily understand the women has to work either at the workplace or at household. While the man is free to roam around the street for gossips and panchayats to discuss many unproductive thoughts.

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A woman who not only bearing the household work, now they have to earn as well. The status of men according to education according to language according to the level of thinking decreasing day by day. After their, all the efforts women are not getting their dignity.

How can we change the people?

I only want to convey that the situation of women is changing in a better way but after marital status the required atmosphere we are unable to give them because we can not forget that factor of male domination of society till then they are not educated they are not able to take the responsibility of the family. We can not build the good social environment which very very important not only for a girl but for the society as well. Every boy needs a good looking educated girl who can earn for the family too.

Because the girl and the boy both are part of the family and society and we cannot ignore anyone because through this we are making a huge difference which is not good on social parameters.

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As humans, we should understand the pain of well educated and independent women who beaten up by the males and scolded by her husband every night after damn hard work. We have different people in society I am not targeting those men who are doing good for their family and for the society.

If they feel heartened to any above lines my sincere apologies. 

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